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2 Alarm Fire Assist City of Wilmington - 4th and Orange St.

August 22, 2013

On August 22nd at noon a fire broke out at 4th and Orange streets in the City of Wilmington. Talleyville had just cleared a box alarm in Dartmouth Woods development when fireboard alerted the station to a cover assignment for Station 4 in Wilmington. 25-6 made the response. While in route a mayday was issued at the fire scene and 25-6 was directed to respond direct to the scene. WFD cleared the mayday but held 25-6 on scene. 25-6 crew along with 25-8 were assigned to the roof. The crew vented the roof and assisted with suppression. The fire reached 2 alarms as several master streams were set in place to bring the fire under control.