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Hero's Program Presentation at A.I. Dupont Hospital

September 17, 2017

On Sunday members took 25-7 and 25-6 down to A.I. Dupont hospital for Children to make a child's dream request come true. A young man named Jonathan is there for treatment while he battles a very tough form of childhood cancer. After a few tough weeks, Jonathan's transport care provider learned his one wish to be a fireman, member of a firehouse, and ride in the front of the apparatus. What started out as her effort to collect patches and t-shirts from local departments to brighten his day, turned into a grand event as Talleyville and companies as far as Maryland brought apparatus, along with PD and EMS units, to A.I. to make his day. 25-7 and 21-7 Lifted their ladders over Childrens Drive, displaying a banner welcoming Jonathan to the brotherhood as he rode underneath in an escort on Wilmington Manor's Antique fire truck escorted by WPD and Red Knights Motorcycles. From there Talleyville presented Jonathan with a plaque signifying our recognition of his tremendous courage in his fight and welcoming him to our ranks as a member.  He was presented a badge, and very own fireman's helmet.  Several other departments also presented him with Challenge Coins, patches, t-shirts, hats, Lifetime membership, etc.  He watched a WPD K-9 demonstration and toured some of the trucks. He ended the day riding off in the front seat of the ambulance laying on the air-horn and siren, talking over the PA system.  It was a great opportunity to be able to bring some joy and smiles into his day.  All uniformed services really stepped up to make the day special. WPD, NCCPD, NCCEMS, KENT COUNTY EMS, Union City PD, Hack's Point FD, Singlerly FD, Perryville FD, Mill Creek FD, Wilmington Manor FD, Talleyville FD, local chapters of the Red Knights and i'm sure a few we are forgetting. A special thank you to Nathan's Story Childhood Cancer Foundation for coordinating the event once it grew, and A.I. for allowing everyone do this event on site.  We truly wish Jonathan the best in his fight, we are all here for you!