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Hazardous Materials Incident - Beacon Hill

March 26, 2011

On Saturday 3/26/11 at 15:24 hours, Talleyville was alerted to a Hazardous Materials incident in the community of Beacon Hill. NCCPD was on-scene checking on the welfare of a resident and encountered a strong chemical odor coming from the house. Rescue 25 and 25-7 made the initial response along with the New Castle County Hazmat Team (Hazmat 14, Hazmat 16, and Engine 17). 25-7’s crew made entry into the house which revealed an abundance of various chemicals, and chemical compounds, stored throughout all floors of the home. Decontamination by the Hazmat Team for the responding crews was conducted at the scene. The EPA was notified who determined the scene would be stable for the evening resulting in the scene being placed under control at 22:36 hours and turned over to Federal Authorities. Monday 25-6 was re-dispatched to stand-by the scene for the New Castle County Explosive Ordinance Disposal team who was preparing to remove several stable containers of an explosive type substance from the basement. 25-6’s crew manned handlines while everything was removed safely and without incident. The EPA continues to lead the cleanup effort and it is expected to be a couple of weeks before the cleanup will be complete